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1 Jul 2024 | 93 videos | Creat by Okeiffe_Jnaquetta3wv


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93 Videos

Vikings: Valhalla

7.3 |2022|action, adventure, drama |

Vikings: Valhalla - A Saga of Conquest and BetrayalCenturies after the events of its predecessor, Vikings: Valhalla plunges us into the tumultuous early 11th century, where tensions between the Vikings settled in England and the native English population simmer.Season 1: A Blaze of VengeanceThe brutal St. Brice's Day massacre ignites a firestorm of vengeance within the Viking world. King Canute rallies his warriors to retaliate against the English crown, while Leif Erikson, seeking his own justice, arrives in Kattegat with his scarred sister Freydis. Their paths collide with the ambitious Harald Sigurdsson, caught between loyalties to his brother and his own thirst for power.As the season unfolds, the Vikings navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and internal conflicts. Leif, Freydis, and Harald find themselves drawn together by their shared quest for vengeance and their yearning for a new home. King Canute's ambition culminates in the conquest of England, establishing a powerful Viking presence.Season 2: Shifting Loyalties and New FrontiersThe Vikings grapple with the consequences of their victories. Internal conflicts within the Viking leadership simmer, while Harald seeks to further his own ambitions within the newly established English kingdom. Alliances shift, loyalties are tested, and deep betrayals surface as the Vikings face a resurgent English resistance led by King Edmund.Leif and Freydis, still focused on their personal vendettas, find their paths diverging from Harald's pursuit of power. The season delves deeper into the Viking expansion across Europe, showcasing daring raids and epic battles. The characters' individual journeys and struggles for survival set the stage for the pivotal historical events that will mark the end of the Viking Age.While future seasons may explore the decline of Viking power in England, the first two seasons deliver a thrilling saga of vengeance, conquest, and the search for a new home, showcasing the complexities of the Viking world as it enters its final chapter.Malik Haider


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